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Game-Card CORONA in different languages

Christianity has a simple answer to every plague: give your life to God, and then the storm will subside. The storm is still there, but you are no longer affected (we will provide bible verses later).
Our first card is in French. If anyone see some grammar or spelling error, plz let us know. These game-cards are translated for community sites, like Face or Twitter. Use it if you want to turn people's hearts and attention to God. 
Next languages:
PT, PL, ESP, DE, ZH (Chinees simplified), HU, IT... later more.

If anyone can translate correctly those words: "DO NOT SHRINK BACK" in any languages, you are more than welcome.

Je viens bientôt, tiens ferme ce que tu as pour que personne ne te ravisse ta couronne. Apocalypse 3:11
Nous, nous ne sommes pas de ceux qui se retirent pour se perdre, mais de ceux qui ont la foi pour sauver leur âme. Hébreux 10:39

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In Chinees:

我很快就要来了!你要持守你所拥有的,免得有人夺去你的冠冕。  启示录 3:11

但我们都不是退后走向灭亡的人,而是因为有信心而灵魂得救的人。  希伯来书 10:39

I'am (Jesus) coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one takes your crown. Revelation 3:11
We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. Hebrews 10:39

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Io verrò presto: conservate quel poco di forza che vi rimane, perché nessuno vi tolga la corona della vittoria.  Apocalisse 3:11
Noi però non siamo di quelli che indietreggiano e vanno alla perdizione, no, siamo invece di quelli che conservano la fede per salvare la propria anima.  Ebrei 10:39

Eljövök hamar, tartsd meg a mi nálad van, hogy senki el ne vegye a te koronádat.  Jelenések 3:11
Mi nem a meghátrálás emberei vagyunk, hogy elvesszünk, hanem a hitéi, hogy életet nyerjünk. Zsidók 10:39

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Oto przyjdę wkrótce, trzymaj to, co masz, aby nikt nie wziął twojej korony.  Objawienie św. Jana 3:11
My zaś nie jesteśmy z tych, którzy się wycofują ku zatraceniu, ale z tych, którzy wierzą ku zbawieniu duszy.  List do Hebrajczyków 10:39

Vengo pronto; retén lo que tienes, para que ninguno tome tu corona.  Apocalipsis 3:11

Pero nosotros no somos de los que retroceden para perdición, sino de los que tienen fe para preservación del alma. Hebreos 10:39

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Thank you. Nice cards. I will share it.

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