Shadow of Death: Earth (Christian RPG game)
(Role-Playing - Third-person Shooter game)
Free download (version 1.2 for Windows, size: 496MB) -

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Live event 10 May 2019  

We need your financial support to develop the other scenes (worlds) of the game (Earth, Sky-Galaxy, Hell, Heaven).

It is very important to bring the message in (artistic) languages people can understand today.
We are accepting donations via Pay Pal. Monthly donators will be listed as partners. Sponsors are also welcome.
There are about 1 billion people playing computer or mobile phone games in the world (see wiki).
There are 7 billion mobile phones in the use worldwide (see wiki) and 2 billion PC-s!
The most functional platform today to illustrate the essence and the meaning of salvation.

We are accepting donations via Pay Pal.

Reactions to the games:
Thanks for the inspiration!! Great to see fellow brothers of the Faith spreading the Good Word. (YouTube discussion)

Just found your channel and I wanted to say it's great to see someone trying to use games to explore faith and realize gaming's full potential as an art form. I'm very impressed by how you can take inspiration from verses to create concepts for your games.  (YouTube discussion)

The valley is divided into 3 parts, using 2 walls.
At the start scene, you can test your skills on the monsters. 
You can open the semi-transparent gates to the other regions if you destroy the present demon boss.
We also have created Bible NPC Circles to check related Bible verses. Many VFX (visual effects) used!
This game is helping us to find out who we are in Christ and how spiritual warfare would look like in the physical world.
Some extended gameplay dimensions will follow in the close future:  Hell, Earth+, Sky + Outer Space, Heaven.

The game is based on these Bible passages:
Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because you are with me. Psalm 23:4
Loose the bonds of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke. Isaiah 58:6
I (The Lord) will go before you and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name. Isaiah 45:2-3  
We do live in the world but fight not according to human standards. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds... casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. 2Cor. 10:3-5 

Story: you have to go through a dark valley, where the evil bosses rule and there is danger everywhere.
You have to beat down 3 clans (demonic forces): the Warriors, the Shamans and the Warlords.
When you beat down the last leader of the last clan, the door of a huge dungeon will open, and many freed people swarm out to the
open air, to the freedom.


There is a little confusion about this game.
The game is designed to challenge you to find your calling.
What is our calling?
If you play this game the same way, as a usual game, you won't understand a thing.
So the game itself is perfect because the main message is perfect.
We will release updated versions in the future, where you can get to Heaven, Hell, and Space.
We know, that there are players, who don't give a thing about the message.
But this is the main challenge of the game, the main quest: why and what are you fighting?
The final answer (your choice or decision) is not to find in the game itself (the game can show the way only), but more in your heart.

System requirements:
The game is made for gaming computers (2GB+ ram on the video card), but you can switch to lower GPU-CPU usage at the start screen. If you have a middle class (regular) PC, we advise choosing 720p with a medium (or less) graphics quality. We have also tested the game on a laptop i7 Quad Core, 1GB ram on Video Card with a medium graphics quality, and it was playing just fine. We can not say perfect, because we have used high-class particle systems and high-quality 3D models for the game. So be careful with activating skills, especially skill 5, 6(!), and 8. As the main shooter is best to use skill 2. Full HD resolution works only if you uncheck "WINDOWED" option.

Move: W.A.S.D.
50% faster: W + Shift
Jump: Space
Shoot arrow: LMB (left mouse button)
Activate skills: 1-9 (some is timed)
Camera zoom: Mouse wheel
ESC: Game over and Reload game window
There is no sound volume control option yet.


The old development page with videos and photos: Click here 


Skill 1: Shadow of God (makes a desert-like atmosphere, lights up the environment). It is a show effect to make your scene more spectacular. Cooldown time: 60 sec.
Skill 2: Angel Touch 1 (same as Angels Touch 2, but no visible helper. The quickest way to kill many distant or closeby enemies). It is your main shooting skill. Cooldown time: 1sec.
Skill 3: Scarlet Red (an easy and spectacular way to kill enemies softly). Cooldown time: 5 sec.
Skill 4: Holy Ghost Fire (gives a vortex-like fire, lights up the whole environment). High damage in 4 meters radius. Cooldown time: 8 sec. Lifetime: 120 sec.
Skill 5: Angel Touch 2 (A sequenced-looped effect skill. The angel kills enemies at every new hit. Use it wisely, it uses more CPU+GPU power than regular skills). Cooldown time: 3 sec. Lifetime: 90 sec.
Skill 6: Flying Rocks (a heavy skill, uses a very large CPU+GPU power because it can blow up the whole environment and redesigns the scene into a total war zone. If you shoot it to enemies very close together, the impact will be multiplied and can result in a very low frame rate per second.  Cooldown time: 100 sec.
Skill 7: Heavy Artillery Prayer  (a machine gun for 60 seconds lifetime, kills the closest enemy one by one. You can place more than one if you like). Cooldown time: 1 sec. 
Skill 8: Holy Spirit Flying (white birds burning up enemies around the target. Use it wisely, it uses some more CPU+GPU power than other skills). The skill can make a huge difference against bosses. Looks super spectacular. Cooldown time: 5 sec.
Skill 9: Altar Fire (cover into fire anything. Weak enemies who are touched by the fire in 4-meter radius, will die. It is a show effect to make your scene more spectacular). Cooldown time: 5 sec.

Thanks for your support! 
#Unity3d #Unity2017  #VisualEffects #VFX #ChristianPCGames #Top10ChristianGames #Top10ChristianGames2018 #BestChristianGames #ComputerGames #Online Games #BiblicalGames 2018 #ChristianVideoGames #DevilShooterGame #MonsterShooterGame #DemonShooterGame #BibleRelatedGame #Unity2018

Version 1.2 changes:
1: Boss 3 (Warlord) "detect range" is increased (almost doubled) 
2: "arrow shoot and get a new arrow from quiver" fixed
3: Jumping animation is changed. We have now an elegant, girlish jumping movement.
4: The font size is increased at the NPCs message boxes (Cross and Bible).

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